Monday, July 13, 2009

Back Home

Even though school has been out for a month, I'm just now feeling like vacation is beginning. I did have 10 days at the end of school when I wasn't officially working, but four of those days were taken up with a conference. Then I came home, and went to see my mom for four days, and then I came home and went to the "We the People: Citizen and the Constitution" Institute for 8 days. So now I'm home, and as far as I know, I'll be home until September. We do have a few more archery shoots on the weekends to go to, but I don't consider that as really being gone. Those are just little weekend getaways.

I am teaching two courses this summer: English 10A and Entrepreneurial Economics for Idaho Digital Learning Academy. Anyone needing to take high school (and some middle school) courses should check out IDLA. It is the best in Idaho! (of course I'm biased.) :) Anyway, that will continue until the end of August, just before school starts again. So it's not as if I'm totally on vacation, but, ya, I'm on vacation.

The most exciting thing I want to share with the world today is that I get to teach three English/three Social Studies at my middle school this year! I've wanted to do that for about 10 years. Four years ago I got my social studies endorsement, so I was finally qualified to do so... And at last it has come through. I am sooooo excited.

This is my first blog ever. Hmmm... we'll see how it goes.


  1. Very cool, Missi! Welcome fellow blogger! I've honestly used mine... oh yeah, I've forgotten that, but I know I wrote about it in my blog!!
    And you're very clever to set up the labels - I never did it and now I feel like its too late. Not entirely sure what social studies covers... is it like geography or ethics?( I thought your entreprenurial economics sounded really interesting)

    Keep it up!

  2. I haven't been very active in my blog for a long time. It seems like something I can sometimes catch up on in the summer, but in the winter I just get too busy with working full time and then teaching online too. This fall, everything snowballed, and fee time is so limited. I was teaching three online classes, taking a graduate course online through Boise State University, and revising a Journalism class for IDLA. I really didn't plan for all that, it just kind of happened. Things are starting to lighten up now, though. So hopefully I'll have time to really work on the Journalism revision. It's really like developing a whole new class. Maybe I'll have a snow day tomorrow, so I could work on it?!?
