Thursday, July 30, 2009

Idaho State Bowhunters Jamboree

Well, as a culminating event of the archery season, it was a little bit of a let down. The scenery was beautiful, of course, at the foot of the Sawtooth Range of the Rocky Mountains, and the trophy was nice, but... the competition for me was lacking. I was really hoping there would be lots of women recurve shooters, and I could find out once and for all if I'm any good. Didn't happen.

There were only six traditional shooters at the Idaho State Bowhunters Jamboree in Stanley. So yes, I won, but what an empty win. The Libby Traditional Shoot in Montana at least drew about 15 traditional recurve women (and I won that one, too, this year. That meant something). I think I liked Libby more. It was cooler in Libby (Stanley was nearly 100 degrees). If the Stanley shoot were in the Spring instead of the middle of summer, I'm sure the daytime temperature would have been better. At night it got plenty cold in Stanley. We woke up one morning with ice covering the little table and cooler at our campsite.

Last thing about this shoot. It was a really long drive to get there! 10 hours. We had to cross over the Bitterroot Mountains twice, going into Montana, and then crossing back into Idaho. I don't know if we'll make it again.

We, Don and I, have decided to go to the International Bowhunters Organization World Traditional Championships in Pennsylvania in September. Rick Welch told us about it, and encouraged us to go when we were at his archery school in April. This is the first time IBO has had this event just for traditional shooters. And since it is the first one, a person doesn't have to qualify, so this might be the only year we can go.

Don will be going for a whole week. His brothers live in Pennsylvania, close to Pittsburgh, which is about two hours south of Erie, which is close to where the event will take place. We found a time share available (that's a miracle!) close to the event also, so Don will be able to stay in a nice place for the week, and hopefully his brothers and their families will come see him there, too.

School: I'm really excited that I get to teach Social Studies and English at my face-to-face job at Sandpoint Middle School this year. I have wanted to do it for at least five years, since I earned my endorsement in Social Studies, specifically for the purpose of being able to teach this block situation. I am so happy! I am also really scared. I haven't taught Social Studies before at the 8th grade level, so the curriculum will be new to me.

I know I'll have lots of help from the two social studies teachers I'll be partnering with, still... I've brought home the textbooks. Now I just have to crack them open.

Here's the last picture from the Idaho State Shoot, part of the picturesque Sawtooth Range.

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